PREMIERE: 01.11.1999
PERFORMANCES: 8.11., 15.11., 22.11., 29.11.1999
Director: Eva Brenner
Ton: Walter Lauterer
Lighting: Walter Lauterer
Ensemble: Beate Göbel, Clemens Matzka, Maren Rahmann
The performance is the fifth and last part of a series of productions based on Beckett's play since the fall of 1998. "ENDGAME IN PROCESS 5: NATURE WAR" represents the radical new attempt of combining set performance fragments with structured improvisations in front of an audience. Five performances will be developed over the course of five weeks in several phases of closed and public improvisations. Each week a section relying on specific spatial structures and themes will be rehearsed at the STUDIO with participation of an interdisciplinary guest artist, and then performed live for one night only. For the frist time, interdisciplinary collaboration plays a central part of the performance as well-known artstists will improvise in tandem with the Ensemble in front of the audience.
The work-in-progress follows the physical and spatial states or "temperatures" of LYING, SITTING, STANDING, WALKING, and RUNNING, mirroring the evolutionary process of man's development. This choreographic structure will be maintained by the performers throughout one evening; the audience is invited to participate by taking on the same physical states, or to freely roam the space.
The performance explores our contemporary relationship to nature and war, as well the connection between the two. "Nature" means more than the physical environment and extends to our own bodies (inner and outer space). "War" does not begin and end with bombs, it signifies our daily behaviour - our language, thought, and actions - filtered onstage through archetypical contemporary characters.
A preview-performance of "ENDGAME IN PROCESS 5: Nature War" was shown in Graz upon invitation by the art association, NEXT, as part of their 5th International Project for Visual Arts 1999, to be presented in the expansive environment of the former state prison underneath Graz' Castle (October 21st, 1999, 5:30 pm, exhibition opening under the patronance of LH Waltraut Klasnic).
"Why this farce, day after day?"
"One must live with the times."
Samuel Beckett, Endgame
Press about this Performance
"... An intensive working through the text and a thorough look at the problems of our time lead to an intensity rarely experienced in the theater. …This experimental theater, positively unique in Vienna's theater world, concentrates on essentials. There are no stage lights, an open space, sparse furniture, actors, guest artists and the spectators are the sole living particles from which this "poor" theater is built. From absolute reduction grows complete density."
- Die Furche, 25. November 1999, Nr. 47/18